Kenyon Siblings: The Fenns

College is a stage of our lives where we are often removed from our families for the first time, but this is not always so. Many of us have siblings here, or at other schools, with whom we share very close bonds, experiences, academic interests and even professors. This piece is the third in a planned series on relationships with one’s siblings while in college. I got to know Sarah Fenn ’18 and Caroline Fenn ’16.

fenn sibs

Caroline, left, with Sarah. I guess being adorable runs in the family?

How, if so, did your views of each other change when you got to Kenyon?

Caroline: Well, I was abroad, so it’s only been like a week that we’ve been on campus together.

Sarah: And I don’t even see her that much. If I don’t run in to you it’s kind of like, “Are you in your room?” I don’t know. It hasn’t changed. Continue reading