Reading Days Travel Guide: Columbus


For those of you who aren’t done with Columbus and its coy and charming ways, here is a trip that is adventurous while still safely close to home. Find a friend with a car and persuade them into exploring the sparkling streets of Columbus. I know that Cleveland often seems like the more alluring Ohio city, what with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the option for fine dining experiences, but as I have recently learned through my online research, Columbus is beckoning, and she is an attractive mistress. Here are a few ideas to get you started on what I hope becomes a deep and loving relationship with Columbus.

The American Whistle Corporation: Now, I know what you all are thinking. Why on earth would I start any kind of a list with whistles? Well, my friends, I accidentally clicked my way onto their website and fell head over heels with the persuasive language and the sleek charm of metal whistles, and you will too! The American Whistle Corporation is the only manufacturer of metal whistles in the country and they offer 45-minute tours of their facilities for only four dollars. Take a chance and learn about whistles, because most of us only have four years in Ohio.

Book Loft of German Village: If you are a typical Kenyon student, obsessed with literature and the distinct feeling of worn pages beneath your fingertips, then you should head down to the Book Loft, an indie bookstore in Columbus that spans an entire city block and contains 32 rooms of bargain books.

Easton Town Center: An oldie but a goodie, catch up on some shopping in Easton. There is no denying the allure of chain clothing stores and mall food courts, so stop pretending you don’t want to and immerse yourself in the joys of the mall.

Gateway Film Center: For all of your indie movie needs that just do not get serviced in Mount Vernon, drive on down to the Gateway Film Center. Plush velvety seating and every possible obscure/angsty movie available is the biggest draw that I have heard in a long while. There is also a good chance you will stumble upon some OSU kids playing beer pong on their roofs on the way to the theater.

BONUS ROUND: The Ugly Tuna Saloona is a seafood restaurant/bar that is connected to the theater. It is a rambunctious watering hole for college students and features music loud enough to drown out all sounds and some delicious crab cakes.

Dinner Theater: Hold on to your hats, ladies and gents, because this last destination is sure to get everyone’s spine tingling. All attendees will be served dinner, wait, did your waiter just keel over and die? YES! He did, because you have just stumbled into a murder mystery! I know, all of your dreams are coming true and it’s only a short car ride away.

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