Alumni Update: Bill Watterson ’80 to be the Focus of a New Documentary

Poster for the documentary (via

Bill Watterson ’80, creator of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, is the focus of a new documentary. The film, Dear Mr. Watterson, hits theaters and On Demand November 15th.  The documentary explores the impact that Calvin and Hobbes had on the comic world and what it meant to its fans. Check out the trailer below, as well as some cartoons Watterson drew up during his time at Kenyon.

Note: Peirce hall in the background (via


One response

  1. Important: I don’t believe he is in the film or that the film is focused on him. It seems to be more about how the strip fits into comic history, or rather, breaks free of comic strip history than about the man himself. That seems better than a movie about the man himself, so I’m glad.

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