10 o’clock list: 5 Kenyon Alternatives to a Basic Fall

mac yankee candle

Macintosh scented…Whatever that means.

You could say that Fall is the most ‘basic’ season–in fact, I will say it. Fall is the most basic season. Sweaters abound, that one picture of Middle Path suddenly appears as everyone’s cover photo, and everybody and their mother is consuming pumpkin spice. But what happens when pumpkin spice just isn’t spicy anymore? Well, it may never have been in the first place–but if you’re just realizing that now, no worries man. Here’s a few ways to make your Fall a little less conventional than everyone else’s:

1. Join the installation art movement. Art is weird and limitless right? Hey ladies and gentlefriends, maybe you should try to be an innovator once and awhile and put away your yoga pants and Sperry’s and make some goddamned ART. For example, what if all of those pesky acorns you’ve been tripping on for the past three weeks were actually just my campus-wide installation art piece. I named it Born to Acorn. It’s like Bruce Springsteen’s Born to Run, except you probably tried to run and then rolled your ankle. Ha.

2. Drop that Pumpkin Spice Latte because you know it’s hot. Even Wiggin Street has succumbed to the pumpkin spice plague. This is yet another chance for you to be a winner and not a loser in this whole game of Fall. Instead of requesting a basic beverage, jump ahead a season and ask for a Melted Snowman Latte. Yeah man, that IS just water. Try that on for size.

3. Use Fall scents in sweaty places. It’s truly a wonder that no one ever looked at the Yankee Candle Fall collection and thought, Hey, why don’t we make deodorant in these scents? I think most people would be down to smell like “maple pancakes” or “season’s blessings”** while they’re sweating profusely. Or maybe I want perfume that smells like “macintosh.” Because, you know, I like the ambiguity of not knowing whether or not I smell like apples or my laptop. It’s mysterious.

4. Turn your dorm room into a haunted house. Get psyched for Halloween in an offbeat way! Or, you know, just don’t do laundry until Halloween and leave Cove food everywhere.

5. Expand your collection of Fall themed alcohols. Everybody’s down to drink a little harvest ale or pumpkin beer, but have you really adequately explored other autumn alcohols? What about whipping up a cocktail with some pumpkin spiced rum or a carmel appletini? Or maybe it’s time for a little trick or treating with Franzia? Don’t fill that bag with candy, SLAP IT!


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