allstu2 Really is Gone

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Even though we reported on it previously, the sad news didn’t really hit home until the first of this month: allstu2, created by Mark Larus ’13, has shut down for good.

Larus explains that he’s shutting down his “hobby project” to focus on his post-college life, but reminds those of us who hate inbox clutter that allstu can still be read through a gmail filter or (less elegantly) on the College website. This Thrill article explains how to configure gmail for maximum allstu convenience.

In his farewell message, Larus also notes that at least half of Kenyon students used the site, which sometimes reached over 600 students in a single day.

2 responses

  1. FROM: KENYON::ALUMNUSJ “No soup for you!” 6-JUN-1995 15:38:19.77
    SUBJ: What on earth are you talking about?

    1995 here. What is this nonsense about ALLSTU2? There’s nothing wrong with the ALLSTU we have now. It works great. Just type MAIL at the $ prompt, then SEND, and then follow the simple prompts. Type your message about your lost gap pullover and how you need a ride to Columbus, and hit CTRL-Z to send.

    It’s so simple even Phil Jordan can do it! Just don’t forget to log out, or your “friends” will send out salacious ALLSTUs from your account about your sexual proclivities towards marmosets. But then, if they do that, they’re not really your friends–more like your enemies, I guess. The English language needs a word for people who are sort of halfway between friends and enemies. I think I’ll put that on the “to do” list. If I think of something I’ll send an ALLSTU about it.

    Is this about the whole SNAP+ program that’s going to put “ethernet” in the dorms so you can log on to the VAX from your PC? (Well, assuming you live in Caples, anyway. It’s not like they’re going to put it in EVERY dorm.) It’s still the same ALLSTU, though, even though you’re sending it from your personal computer instead of a normal VT200 terminal. I know, it’s confusing, because we’ve always thought of PCs as things to play solitaire on, but you can actually kinda-sorta get on the VAX with them these days. It’s a crazy futuristic world we live in!

    Anyway, I hope this clears things up. If you have any other questions about ALLSTUs, just call me on my PBX, and we can meet up at the Cove, or at my Bexley Apartment. Then we can listen to my new Toad the Wet Sprocket CD, or watch a VHS tape of last week’s X-Files.


  2. Pingback: The Era of Inbox Clogging Allstu Has Ended | The Thrill

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